Thursday Night Football was the debut for new technology from Amazon Prime

Thursday Night Football was the debut for new technology from Amazon Prime. Artificial intelligence identifies a potential blitz before the play begin

Artificial intelligence identifies a potential blitz before the play begins, meaning it calculates additional defenders (beyond those that would normally break to the quarterback) who will run to the back of the offense.

Thursday Night Football was the debut for new technology from Amazon Prime

On the play in question, Defensive Alert worked perfectly, guessing both blitzing defenders. Running back Alvin Kamara took one of them away, and the other made a sack on Derek Carr.

TV viewers tend to follow the actions of the offensive players. This technology helps shift the focus to the defense's actions and analyze more of the defenders' actions.

Also, the graphics highlight the routes the receivers run, the decision time of the quarterback + a pop-up scoreboard tells you whether or not to play the 4th down and in what situation.

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